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Description: Dabur Mensta is a
non-hormonal formulation beneficial for those difficult days in women
Ingredients: Ashoka chhal,
baheda, ghrit kumari, haritaki, daruharidra, mustak, rakta chandan, jeera
safed, nishoth, vasaka, vasaka, pippali, ajwain, amrasthi, shunthi, neel kamal,
amla, hing, dhataki-pushp, madhu.
Dosage: 2 teaspoons (10ml)
twice daily for three cycles or as directed by the physician
Rheumatil Gel is a herbal
combination of analgesic and anti-inflammatory herbs that are effective in
arthritic problems. It is beneficial to take Rheumatil tablets along with local
application of Rheumatil Gel.
Description: Dabur Shilajit
Gold is a unique combination of Shilajit, Swarna Bhasma, Kesar and other
Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, Kewanch Beej and Safed Mushli. The
combination of these herbs and minerals makes it a vitalizer and a physical
endurance enhancer.
Ingredients: Dabur Shilajit
Gold is a unique combination of Shilajit, Swarna Bhasma, Kesar and other
Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, Kewanch Beej and Safed Mushli.
Directions: One-two capsules
twice a day, preferably with milk
Description: Dabur Camne Vid
is an Ayurvedic formulation that helps restore vigor and vitality.
Ingredients: Akarkara,
shunthi, lavanga, kumkuma, pippali, jatiphala, shveta chandan, suddha hingula,
shudha gandhak, khurasani ajvain.
Indications: Strength,
stamina, vigour and vitality
Dr. Ortho oil is an ayurvedic
formulation blended with oil from 8 efficacious medicinal plants. Cures Joints
Pain. Relieves Low Back Pain Cures Swollen Joints Cures Inflamed Joints
Relieves Sprain